Many homeowners neglect the importance of septic tank maintenance. Clogged septic tanks may cause significant problems with your entire system. Here’s a closer look.

Septic Tank Explained

Your septic tank hosts build up in drains connected to your sink, toilet, and shower. If the buildup is left untreated, solid waste may form in your drain line.

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Most contractors who arrive at your home to perform septic tank maintenance will inspect the roof and look for a connection. The vents generally align with sewer pipes underground. Contractors will check to see how deep the tank is before they get started. Most of the buildup forms on the inlet side. The outlet side hosts a lot of dirty water.


Some contractors vacuum excess debris, while larger tools are necessary for septic tanks that have lots of solid buildup. Contractors may pull out solid waste that clogs septic tanks and dispose of it at the local waste plant. Once contractors reach the bottom of your septic tank, they’ll take the water hose and rinse it. This helps ensure that the water hose is clean for new use. Most contractors recommend performing septic tank maintenance at least every 3 years. Septic tank buildup could reemerge in your toilet and sink if left untreated.